CHI Web Logos for Download
Right click on the web images below and choose "Save image as..." from the menu...
CHI Scalable Logos for Download
Click on the following images to download a high resolution, scalable image of the CHI logo suitable for print etc.
CHI Logo Terms of Use
Both black and white and colour versions of our logos are available for download. Please use colour for web and either for print.
Please use PNG format for web use and the EPS files for print.
The CHI Logo colour is Pantone P64-15C, RGB 135 60 74, HEX/HTML 873C4A, CMYK 0 83 42 50
If you use these logos on your web site or social media, please include an active link to
Minimum height for web display is 100 pixels.
You may not alter these logos in any manner, including graphic, layout, colors and text.
Use of our logos do not constitute a license for their use or any other right to the Calgary Heritage Initiative’s logos or trademarks.
Questions? Please contact
CHI Heritage Watch Images for Download
CHI Heritage Watch Photos Terms of Use
- Photos in our Heritage Watch Gallery may be downloaded and used to illustrate print or web heritage preservation stories, messages, event or program promotions, or related documents.
- These photos may not be used by commercial developers, builders or municipal planners to illustrate or promote a proposed site for demolition and redevelopment.
- Photos may be cropped, and converted to black and white, but otherwise may not be altered.
- Where possible, display the embedded watermark, and /or note the photo credit as: Calgary Heritage Initiative Society, (date).
- The name and/or address of the building should be included in any accompanying text.