The Contenders
Community Hall
(2 pics)

Very likely this house:

This one 12th ave streetscape might be worth mentioning
13th Avenue is 3 blocks of almost continuous streetscapes, as follows
These two late 40's duplexes are kitty corner to each other at 13th ave and 16th street, I haven't seen anything like these anywhere else in Calgary
End of 13th Avenue
Would the big modern window preclude it from being inventoried?
Very unique
The only other place I've seen some of these 'cat ear' houses is in Ramsay, no where else in Calgary.
2 houses from the late 20's, very rare
Streetscape from 2 angles (2 pics)
Streetscape beside the Inventoried brick apartment (3 pics)
Streetscape beside gross modern townhousing (see below for more)
Businesses fronting 17th avenue, not sure of heritage potential
I used to hate this, now I love it, top marks! (3 pics)
Misc Pics
Incredible.... Incredibly ugly that is!
These two "houses" used to look like the one below a year or two ago (2 pics)
Far west end, not sure if there's anything of note
These are typical of 12th ave houses, bunches of 2-6, split up by 50's and newer apartments. So much potential but due to apartment or townhouse zoning, the upkeep of the 12th ave house tend to be bare minimum. The one streetscape in the first section on 12th ave is a bit of an exception, at least architecturally speaking if not maintenance
On 10th and 11th aves, I noticed a random "flower" graffiti painted here and there.. and then I came across this stairway..