Updated December 2011. See bottom post.
Updated October 7, item tabled to Nov. 14 meeting of City Council
Updated September 29 - see the bottom for item going to Council on October 3 2011
http://www.calgaryheritage.org/CHIForum/vi ... =2729#2729
Updated May 16 with recommendations passed...
Update April 25: The item has been re-scheduled to 1 pm on Monday may 2 in the Engineering Traditions Room of old City Hall
Dear all,
On April 20 the Calgary Heritage Authority (CHA) will be presenting their 2010 annual report to City Council's Standing Policy Committee on Land Use, Planning and Transportation (SPC-LPT). As part of this, they are also presenting a report that recommends enhanced resources, mandate and new structure for the work of the Calgary Heritage Authority. Many members of the heritage community were consulted in the preparation of this long-anticipated report. The LPT Report is coming at a critical juncture to highlight these issues, with Council about to begin serious budget deliberations.
NEW: Link to the agenda for April 20. The heritage report is item 4.6: http://agendaminutes.calgary.ca/sirepub ... ype=AGENDA
This is an opportunity for the city’s heritage community to celebrate and show appreciation for the CHA’s accomplishments last year, and to demonstrate support for the recommendations with our presence and/or letters. Please plan to attend, or arrange for a delegate from your organization to join us. The meeting is a 9:30 am start, although the place on the agenda will not be published until after 4 pm on April 15 (we will post the information on the CHI website at www.calgaryheritage.org). Everyone has an opportunity to speak for up to 5 minutes, so if you plan to read a letter aloud and make copies available to the LPT committee, please bring 35 copies. You can also send an email to all Council members at alderweb@calgary.ca and themayor@calgary.ca. If you do, please send a copy to Senior Heritage Planner Darryl Cariou at darryl.cariou@calgary.ca. (A copy to the Calgary Heritage Initiative, info@calgaryheritage.org, is also appreciated.)
If you decide to speak or write, here are some points which you might cover:
• The importance of heritage for you or your organization
• The vital role that CHA plays in all heritage matters
• The benefits of heritage as a cultural catalyst for sustainable communities
• The need to take heritage to the next level in Calgary. Some examples:
o The need to bring on additional resources to create a robust heritage planning team
o The need to create an effective, citizen led agency which has the mandate and authority to raise funds for investment in heritage projects, resources, incentives and programming
o The need for a heritage body more focused on getting buildings identified, researched and listed on the heritage inventory (in parallel to the new body noted above)
o The requirement to deliver on heritage principles outlined in the Municipal Development plan (Plan It Calgary) and the Calgary Heritage Strategy
o The growing demand for heritage planning services
o The increasing number of opportunities to support historic preservation (more developer, owner interest, new citizen groups forming i.e. CHI, HSCA setting up heritage committees, greater awareness of value of historic preservation within the City corporation, etc.)
o Citizens are doing there part to support historic preservation (CHI, Roundtable, Project Brewery, community heritage committees, etc.) and the City can do more in response
Be sure to pass on the message to your heritage committees, organizations, community association members, colleagues or anyone for whom heritage is important. Hope to see you there! If you are planning to attend, please send a note to me at marilynwilliams(at)shaw.ca so that we can stay in touch prior to the committee meeting and communicate any issues that might crop up, including any changes to the agenda. We will also be posting this information, with some relevant links to Plan It Calgary and the Calgary Heritage Strategy and the LPT Agenda when it comes out on the Calgary Heritage Initiative website at www.calgaryheritage.org.
Marilyn Williams for the Calgary Heritage Initiative
Link to the Calgary Heritage Strategy:
http://www.calgary.ca/DocGallery/bu/pla ... rategy.pdf
Link to the Municipal Development Plan (Plan It Calgary):
www.calgary.ca/mdp - see the pdf on the right, "MDP, 2009". Note section 2.3.3