Calgary Heritage Authority

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Calgary Heritage Authority

Postby Bob van Wegen » Thu Feb 09, 2006 1:58 pm

The Calgary Heritage Authority is appointed by City Council and is the key official body dealing with heritage in Calgary.

More information: ... hority.htm


Duties include:

- advising City Council on all matters relating to heritage resources in the city of Calgary;
- evaluating potential heritage sites and maintaining the "Inventory of Potential Heritage Sites" in Calgary;
- reviewing planning permit applications that may affect designated and potential heritage buildings;
- recommending buildings to City Council for designation under the Alberta Historical Resources Act;
- monitoring the effectiveness of legislation which affects heritage conservation objectives and proposing appropriate amendments;
- awarding citations to citizens for significant achievements undertaken on behalf of heritage conservation in Calgary; and
- presenting interpretive plaques annually, during a ceremony at City Council, in conjunction with Community Associations and the Chinook Country Historical Society in order to raise heritage awareness.
Bob van Wegen
Posts: 148
Joined: Sun Oct 09, 2005 12:02 pm

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